Cothroman-obrach do Chleasaichean 2020 - Foirm-iarrtais | Employment Opportunities for Gaelic Performers 2020 - Application Form
Tha Fèisean nan Gàidheal gu cunbhalach a’ tabhann chothroman-obrach do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig tro na dealbhan-cluiche agus tursan a bhios sinn a‘ riochdachadh tron t-seirbheis Fèisgoil againn.  Tha sinn a’ trusadh dhaoine le Gàidhlig an dràsta airson dealbhan-cluiche a thèid air turas am-bliadhna sa. Ma tha ùidh agad ann an obair mar seo nach lìon sibh an fhoirm-iarrtais air loidhne seo.

Tha a' mhòr-chuid de thursan le dealbhan-cluiche agus bùthan-obrach dràmadach ag amas air clann ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ach tha seirbheis againn do sgoilearan bun-sgoile a tha ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig cuideachd.  Chan eil eòlas air cleasachd riatanach.  Feumaidh tagraichean a bhith 18 bliadhna a dh'aois no nas sine.

Ma bhios ceist sam bith agaibh nach cuir sibh fios air  Aonghas MacLeoid, Oifigear Dràma Fhèisean nan Gàidheal air 01463 225559 no
Fèisean nan Gàidheal regularly provide employment opportunities for Gaelic speakers through plays we produce and tour through our Fèisgoil service.  We’re currently recruiting Gaelic speakers for a number of productions touring this year.  If interested please complete this online application form.

The majority of the Gaelic language plays and dramatised workshops we tour are aimed at children enrolled in Gaelic medium education but we also provide a service for primary school classes learning Gaelic as an additional language.  Having experience as an actor is not essential.  Applicants need to be aged 18 or above.

If you've any questions please contact our Drama Officer Angus Macleod on 01463 225 559 or e-mail

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1) Ainm *
2) Ceann-latha breith *
Date of Birth
3) Seòladh-taighe | *
Address (including postcode)
4) Àireamh-fòn *
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5) A bheil eòlas agad air obair-chleasachd?
 Do you have acting/ performing experience?
6) A bheil eòlas agad air obair-chloinne (m.e. sgoiltean, clubaichean-òigridh, sgoiltean-àraich)?  
 Have you experience of working with children? (e.g. schools, youth clubs, after school clubs, nurseries)
7) Am bi thu a' seinn agus/ no a' cluich ionnsramaid?  
Do you sing and/ or play a musical instrument?
8) Leig fios dhuinn ma tha sgilean-ealain, sgilean taisbeanaidh, sgilean sgrìobhaidh chruthachail no eòlas-teagaisg a bharrachd agad a dh'fhaodadh a bhith feumail an cois bùth-obrach dràma no dealbh-chluich m.e. pupaidearachd, balbh-chluiche?
Let us know if you have other arts/ performance/ creative writing skills or teaching experience that could be incorporated into a workshop or play e.g. puppetry, mime?
9) Am biodh ùidh agad ann an obair mar chleasaiche/ sheinneadair anns a' phròiseact Hùb Hàb? Feumaidh tagraichean a bhith deònach òrain sìmplidh a sheinn. An toiseach bha sinn an dùil  cothrom fhaighinn turas a dhèanamh leis an dealbh-chluich anns a’ Ghiblean/ Chèitean ach ri linn COVID-19 chan eil e comasach dhuinn cinn-latha an turais a chomharrachadh aig an ìre seo.   Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh ri thighinn.  
Would you be interested in working as an actor/ performer in our Hùb Hàb project?  Applicants must be able and willing to sing simple songs.  We had originally expected to tour this year’s play in April/May but with current issues around COVID-19 we are no longer able to specify dates. More info to follow.
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10) Am biodh ùidh agad ann an obair a' cleasachd sa phròiseact tèatar-oideachaidh againn Meanbh-chuileag?  'S e dealbh-chluich Ghàidhlig do aon chleasaiche no sgioba de dhithis a bhios ann agus a' leantainn air ùine leasachaidh agus còig làithean deasachaidh eadar 18 agus 22 Lùnastal ann an Inbhir Nis, thèid turas nàiseanta a lìbhrigeadh do chlann ann an ceann shuas na bun-sgoile eadar 25 Lùnastal agus 9 Dàmhair 2020.
Would you be interested in working as an actor in our theatre-in-education project Meanbh-chuileag?  The Gaelic play will be aimed at pupils in upper primary will be either a one or two hander.  Following a development period and 5 days of rehearsal between 18th and 22nd August in Inverness, a national tour will take place between the 25th of August and the 9th of October 2020.
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11) Am biodh ùidh agad ann an obair a' cleasachd ann an dealbh-chluich a' phanto againn? A' leantainn air ùine-leasachaidh agus còig làithean-deasachaidh eadar 16 agus 20 Samhain ann an Inbhir nis, thèid turas nàiseanta a mhaireas 15 latha a chumail eadar 23 Samhain agus 11 Dùbhlachd 2020.  Bhiodh triùir chleasaichean anns an sgioba.
Would you be interested in working as an actor in our Gaelic pantomime project?  Following a development period and 5 days of rehearsal between 16th and 20th of November in Inverness, a fifteen day national tour of primary schools will take place between the 23rd of November and the 11th of December 2020.  The cast would consist of a total of three actors.
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12) A bheil cead-draibhidh agad? *
 Do you have a driver's licence?
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Ma tha ceistean agaibh mun t-seòrsa obrach a bhiodh an sàs bruidhinnibh ris an Oifigear Dràma againn air 01463 225 559 no cuiribh brath thuige aig
If you've any questions about the kind of work involved please contact our Drama Officer Angus Macleod on 01463 225 559 or e-mail
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