International Missions Application (2025)
This application should be filled out by any student (Grade 9-12) who desires to participate in CrossPoint Student Ministry international mission trips. 

By filling out this application you are communicating your desire to attend one of the trips and serve as an active participant in the mission opportunities that present themselves during the trip. You are also communicating your willingness to be flexible and do what is most necessary, within reason, to accomplish the desired task at hand. 

The dates for our international mission trips this year will be March 22-28, 2025.
The cost will be an estimated $1,500 per person. 
Passports are NOT required for Puerto Rico
Passports ARE required for Guatemala
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Which trip do you wish to participate in? *
Why do you desire to participate in this mission trip? *
Is this your first international missions experience? *
In your own words, explain what you believe is the purpose of Christian missions. *
Please share your salvation story. Be sure to include the following in your story: Life before Jesus, how you met Jesus, life since you met Jesus. *
Are you willing to commit to certain spiritual disciplines (reading your Bible, prayer, and attending church regularly) for the purpose of growing closer to Christ? *
Have you ever shared the gospel or had a gospel conversation with someone who did not know Jesus? *
Are you willing to be trained in sharing the gospel? *
Are you willing to memorize Scripture in preparation for the trip? *
Are you willing to share the gospel and/or pray with people if the opportunity presented itself? *
It is important to the CrossPoint student staff that everyone who participates in either mission trip recognize that we are going to do legitimate work with a goal of sharing the gospel and serving the community for the purpose of glorifying God. Do you recognize and acknowledge this as our purpose, and do you agree to participate in accomplishing this goal? *
Are you willing to be flexible and put the interest of the group ahead of your own personal interests? *
The goal of the trip is to serve the community, help the local church and ministries, and share the gospel. Are you willing to go with a focus on serving, helping, and sharing? *
Do you agree to submit to the leadership of all assigned leaders on either trip? *
We will have four meetings leading up to our trip date. These meetings will be for the purpose of discussing the details of the trip, training, and preparing ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. Are you willing to attend these mandatory meetings to prepare to go on mission and serve the Lord? *
Are you willing to complete and turn in homework for the purpose of spiritual training and preparation? *
Mission trips require a great amount of teamwork and putting others first. Are you willing to be a good team player, doing what is asked of you, and putting others before yourself while on mission? *
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