-Youth Theatre Plus (school years 7+ (ages 11-16)): Mondays, 5.30pm – 6.45pm
This group is specifically for autistic young people who benefit from a more supported environment, and with less people in the space than our other youth theatre groups. Sessions provide fun and engaging opportunities to explore creativity, build confidence, aid communication and raise aspirations in a relaxed environment. The group is led by professional theatre practitioners with experience in making inclusive theatre.
Each session looks at different ways to explore creative theatre making, and we aim to provide opportunities throughout the year to share work made with friends and family.
-Youth Theatre Squared (ages 16-25yrs): Mondays 7.15pm – 8.30pm
If you’re a disabled or neurodivergent young person who wants to explore theatre making and develop your creativity, come and join us at these weekly sessions. Sessions enable participants to explore the world around them, build their confidence and develop their theatre making skills all through fun and creatively engaging activity in a supportive environment. The group is led by professional theatre practitioners with experience in making inclusive theatre.
This form should be completed by someone with parental responsibility if the participant is under 16 (though over 12's must agree to GDPR consent). If the participant is aged 16 or over they can complete this form themselves if they want to.
If you have any questions, need assistance filling in the online form or would like to have a friendly chat with one of the Creative Communities team about Youth Theatre Plus or Youth Theatre Squared, please get in touch:
Call us on: 01473 295930 Monday- Friday 9am- 5pm.
Email us on: creativecommunities@wolseytheatre.co.uk.