Digital Horizon Event Feedback
Thank you for taking part in the Digital Horizon Programme. Your feedback is important to us.
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What is your full name? *
What event in the Digital Horizon Programme did you attend? *
Have you attended a  Digital Horizon event at University of Atypical before?  *
What is your postcode?
Please indicate which best describes you
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Do you consider yourself to be deaf, neurodiverse or have a disability?
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What age bracket best describes you?
What is your ethnic identity *

What is your gender identity*?

Did you enjoy today's Masterclass?
Not at all
Completely enjoyed it
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Before the Masterclass how confident are you in using technology for social connections with others?
Not at all
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Before the Masterclass today how confident do you feel in using digital technology in your creative work? (software, social media, internet, digital camera, other technology?)
Not at all
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Before the Masterclass how confident are you in using technology to support you in dealing with your finances? (banking, spreadsheets, internet etc)  *
Not at all
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