IntraFi Sweeps Opt Out & Info Requests - Revolut Prepaid Cardholder Program

Please complete and submit this form if you would like to opt out of the IntraFi Sweeps Out process or would like more information on the balance placement of your funds. 

Please use the same information as in your Revolut profile when completing this form. Any conflicting information could prevent Lead Bank from being able to accurately complete your request. Any Opted Out funds will still continue to be held at Lead Bank.

Please enter the email address as reflected in your Revolut profile. 

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Email *
Is this inquiry for the Revolut Prepaid Cardholder Program? *
Full Name (First & Last) *
Lead Account Number (as reflected in the Revolut app, please do not add routing number) *
Opt Out Request or Balance Placement Info Request? *
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