Alumni Network
As a two-time published writer of The #TWP Quarterly Lit Zine, we are thrilled to invite you to become a part of our network! Register below to stay up-to-date with all the amazing opportunities available just for you!

This includes but is not limited to:

**A badge for your website or blog
**Free access to workshops
**A free copy of our Reflection Journal
**A free Writer's Notebook Kit
**First to hear about and choose volunteer opportunities
**Other perks!
Mailadresse *
First and Last Name *
Full mailing address (including city, state/province and ZIP/postal code) *
Country in which you live (e.g., US, Thailand, etc.) *
T-shirt Size *
Preferred Pronouns *
Instagram Handle *
Month and Day of Birth *
How do you identify your ethnicity?
The following information is required only to make sure that we are maintaining diverse, equitable, inclusive, non-discriminatory and ethical publishing practices. If your ethnicity is not listed, please write it in below.
Select any that apply. *
In what issue(s) of The #TWP Quarterly were you published? *
En kopi af dine svar sendes som mail til den mailadresse, du har angivet.
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