Chronic dizziness
Community research - it may be PPPD, cervicogenic, vestibular, BVD, microbiome imbalance, gut issues, anxiety, etc. Data will hopefully show us valuable insights and maybe help us to go a little further in our quest to solve the dizziness

Here is the link to current results in spreadsheet:

Also, I want to mention that the types of dizziness we are trying to gain insights into here are the ones trickiest or even impossible to diagnose, like these caused by few things mentioned earlier. If you for example have diagnosed BPPV you can of course fill in, but your data won't be as useful as others data who don't know 100% what's causing their dizziness. If you have BPPV on top of chronic dizziness caused by something else then it's different obviously.

The survey represents your current state, if you have improved, we are still interested in your current state. We will miss some data unfortunately about your previous state maybe but you can't have it all. Otherwise the poll would be too massive. Besides how can we even keep track of every person changing past symptoms?

Please, answer all of the questions, even if you feel like it's repeated, unless one doesn't apply to you

IMPORTANT (note about filling multiple times) - The poll may change from time to time, so if you are more on the serious side about the project, like me, then you would probably like to fill new options/edit changed ones. How to do that? 3 options:
1. If you are signed to your google account during filling, the results will automatically be saved in cloud so next time you click the link you see your previous answers. 
2. If you are not signed in then after you submit the poll, window will be shown with link to the poll. Copy it and save it somewhere so that if you will have access through this link to your previous answers for editing. 
3. Fill in second time without saved answers with link from my post from reddit/fb. You have to mark everything over again. In that case please make a note in the last question at the bottom or somewhere else that it is your second time, I will then correct your first response accordingly so that we don't have duplicates!

There is place for your poll suggestions/feedback at the end
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Facebook name/Reddit user/other (optional)
If you don't mind being reached by others then leave your Reddit user name, Facebook name or some other form of contact data here. If somebody will find your symptoms matching theirs, maybe they would want to contact you. More users leave their user name, more possibilities to contact each other to share experiences and gain knowledge
Age (optional)
Nothing is required of course, but that could help identify cases when age can or cannot be a contributor, which could be a valuable insight
Describe your dizziness using commonly used terms, if you want add your own description in "other" checkbox
Other important conditions that you had before onset that you think may be related to dizziness. For example Multiple sclerosis, chronic sinusitis, POTS. (if there is a condition that you apparently had before onset but was officialy diagnosed only after the onset, mark that in the next question).

Have you had any clues prior to onset, like some small symptoms that you ignored or shrugged off but now you think they are or could be related? How long before the onset they started to show up?
Confirmed diagnoses related to your dizziness since the onset
Mark conditions that you have had confirmed by doctors/specialists since you started to search for answers about your dizziness.THESE SHOULD NOT BE SAME AS IN PREVIOUS QUESTION. Add more if it's not listed
Do you know/suspect what is the nature/origin of your dizziness?
How your onset looked like? You can mark few checkboxes here, you can add your additional description in new options as well
Sleep - mark checkboxes that match your situation
How is your dizziness when laying flat?
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Time since onset, if applies to you (if you had gradual then it cant be answered so easily) - how long ago was your onset? We want to see if it's recent, chronic, or super chronic (many years)
General rating of your well being "parameters" before the onset in your opinion
Very bad
Bad/Below average
Very good/excellent
Work/studies related stress
Life related stress (besides work/studies)
General health
Upper body posture
Eyes health
Upper body/neck muscle tightness
Your diet
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Did you have 9-5 job at the time of onset?
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Were you a student  at the time of onset  ?
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Did you have to leave job/stop working/stop studies after the onset due to symptoms?
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Have  you been taking vacations regularly before the onset? When was the last time before the onset you took more than few days to completely chill off?
When was the last time before the onset when you took antibiotics?
Describe shortly how your diet look like before onset looked like. You can elaborate more if you want
How would you rate your early life diet and eating habits 1-10? Do you think that in your early life you were eating well, established healthy eating habits and you built strong overall gut health? 
Have you ever had any issues with you gut before onset, like IBS, celiac disease, constipation, diarrhea, pain, food intolerance, etc?
Average daily number of hours spent BEFORE ONSET on chosen activities.
Sometimes activities can overlap. Meaning you can be outside, play team sports, which involves social interaction. MORE OPTIONS WHEN YOU SCROLL TO THE RIGHT!
In front of digital screens(PC,TV, phone)
In social interactions
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Below are your symptoms. Basically symptoms other than dizziness that you started experiencing at the time or after the onset. If you don't experience the symptom, just leave unchecked and go to next one. Symptoms that you had already before the onset are not really of importance here for us, unless the onset substantially increased a particular symptom.
Neck pain
Upper back pain
Shoulder pain
Head pressure
Spinning vertigo
Body pulling in one direction
Upper body (face, scalp, hands, etc) tingling or other nerve/vascular sensations
Tinnitus/ear ringing
Phonophobia/sound sensitivity
Worse, less sharp vision
Astigmatism (Blurriness around lights at night)
Eyes pain
Photophobia/light sensitivity (bright sky type)
Photophobia/light sensitivity (artificial light sources type)
Permanent dark skin under eye/eyes / circles under eyes
Eyes focusing problems
Double vision
Tired/heavy eyes
Sensitive eyes
Dry eyes
Eyes pain with electronic devices
Troubles with concentration
Memory problems
Brain fog
Cognitive problems
General body weakness
Fatigue, exhaustion
Random heart palpitations
Random shooting nerve pains somewhere in body
Brain zaps (feels like electric shock/zap in brain, usually right before falling sleep)
Split second fall feeling, floor drop spells
Additional dizziness/blacking out when standing up quickly
Problems with keeping balance
Feeling like being on boat, rocky
Issues with driving
Issues with going to crowded busy places
Issues with going to supermarkets
Muscle weakness
Short visual disturbances
Panic attacks
Anxiety attacks
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Is your dizziness constant or intermittent?
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Does your dizziness intensity varies?
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Are there any triggers to your symptoms or in other words can you intentionally reproduce symptoms?
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What are your triggers (continuation of the previous question)?
Do your symptoms intensify in evening?
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How debilitating is your dizziness?
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What helps to alleviate symptoms. Five options that form a linear scale to get more value out of a question.  IF YOU LEAVE EMPTY RESPONSE IN A ROW, WE ASSUME YOU HAVEN'T TRIED THAT SOLUTION YET.  If something is missing, add comment in last section! First column is "Made it worse", so watch out for that!
Made it WORSE!
Made no difference
Works a little bit
Works very well
Game changer - WORKS AMAZING!
Zoloft (Sertraline)
Lexapro (Escitalopram)
Celexa (Citalopram)
Physical therapy
Neck stretches
Neck strenghtening
Back stretches
Back strengthening
Vision therapy
Optokinetic videos
Vestibular therapy
Prism glasses (for vertical heterophoria)
Prism glasses (for convergence insufficiency)
Correction glasses
Forcing to do things that trigger me
Vitamin B supplements
Being outdoors/in nature more
Reducing digital screen time
Reducing job time
Reducing stress
Sleeping more
Syntonics phototherapy
Steady Coach approach on YT
CBD oil
Probiotics (pills)
Probiotic foods (sauerkraut, pickles etc)
megadosing B1 vitamin
Vitamin D
Fish oil
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If it all started with panic attack for you, how would you rate stress caused by this attack in that particular moment (1-10)? Did you feel like maybe you had a stroke or you were really in serious danger? Did you start to hyperventilate? Would you say it was traumatic event? Try to describe it shortly if you can/want.
If it all started with panic attack for you: Would you say you overreacted during that particular panic attack? If you overreacted or had a very strong/extreme reaction, do you think it could be because of your personality and the way you are, the way you live?
If it all started with panic attack for you: How long after the initial panic attack did you notice your symptoms started to become chronic/constant?
Rate your general level of happiness pre-onset of symptoms
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Rate your general level of happiness post-onset of symptoms
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From 1 to 10 rate your level of your general self-awarenessness before the onset (awarness of your body, your health, your life, career etc)
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Rate 1-10 how much you were thinking and focusing on YOURSELF prior to onset, how much you were thinking of YOUR needs, your life, your issues
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Rate 1-10 your general life motivation level prior to onset
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How fulfilled (your life, your goals) you felt prior to onset? 1-10
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Rate 1-10 your general anxiety level prior to onset, according to you
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Rate 1-10 how mentally/cognitively demanding was your job/your studies during the onset of symptoms. How hard do you think it was on your brain.
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How busy you were prior to onset (how much your day was "packed" with activities, job, learning, meetings, people, exercise, etc), rate 1-10
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What's your personality type according to this or this test:

Sometimes one component can be close, if so then you can  instead of ISTJ  write this:   IS(N)TJ(P). This indicates that you are S but close to N as well and J but close to P also. 

There are many similar tests on the web, you can use different one if you like. Best if you do can do a few of them and average the result.
Here you can add poll suggestions, or you can specify options that are missing, I will add them later. Also anything you find relevant about your specific case including exotic, strange symptoms that you had even only once is worth noting.
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