P.S. 200 Alumni Contact Information
We are excited to begin our Alumni Association for P.S. 200, The Benson School!  We believe it is so important to keep everyone together, even when we must stay 6 feet apart.  While we can not be together in person now, we are proud to build connections with out alumni, share your talents, and be prepared to welcome you back in person when CDC regulations allow.  We ask you to please complete this form.  Your information will not be shared outside of our alumni committee and you will only receive emails about P.S. 200 alumni events.  Please contact Alumni@ps200.com with any questions.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
First Name *
Last Name *
Maiden Name or Other Last Name Used
During my time at P.S. 200 I was a
Year Graduated from P.S. 200 *
Email Address *
Phone Number
Do you have a musical talent you would like to share with our students?
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My musical talent is...
Do you have a different talent or skill you would be interested in sharing with our students?
Are you a great storyteller?  Would you like to record yourself reading a book to share with our students?  Visit https://www.ps200.com/events/benson-story-time to see others reading their stories!  You can do this anytime and send to Alumni@ps200.com.
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Is there anything about your time at P.S. 200 you would like to share?
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