Camp Zine, Iowa


We are excited to host a one-day workshop dedicated to the study & creation of mini-zines at the Public Space One Close House (538 S. Gilbert, Iowa City, IA).

Participants will be introduced to the processes of zine-making, including —
  • forms of zines and how to make them,

  • laserjet printing,

  • content curation and reappropriation via collage, and

  • small- and large-group collaboration.

Through exposure and practice to all things zine, each participant will create their own readymade mini-zine from supplies and printing methods made available to them through Camp Zine.

This workshop is open to all artists residing in the greater Iowa City area aged 18 and older.

Camp Zine exists in fulfillment of ensuring access to printed ephemera for all. Astringent Press, along with our partners Public Space One and the LGBTQ Iowa Archives and Library is excited to offer this workshop at no cost to all participants.

Limited capacity. Spots may fill quickly!
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We're glad you're here!
This form is designed to get to know you and confirm your interest and availability for the zine workshop. Don't overthink any answers or worry about grammar, just let your personality shine! ♡
What's your name?
What are your pronouns?
How old are you? 
What is the best way to contact you? *
If email is not your thing
What are your creative interests? *
Select all that apply
Link to portfolio/Instagram
What interests you about zines? *
150 words max
Do you have an idea of what kind of zine you'd like to make? If so, please share!
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