Career Mentorship Program Sign-up Form (mentors)
Thank you for your interest in the Career Mentorship Program organized as a part of the Machine Learning for Health Symposium (ML4H) 2022.

The Career Mentorship Program will take place during November 21, 2022 - November 25, 2022. There will be a group mentoring session on November 21, 2022. To accommodate different timezones, Session A will take place at 7AM - 8AM EST and session B will take place at 3PM - 4PM EST. Mentors and mentees can take part in one or both of the sessions.

In addition, mentors and mentees should plan to schedule a 1-1 mentoring session during the week of November 21, 2022 - November 25, 2022.

The Career Mentorship program will focus on pairing mentees with mentors who can provide advice on career-related topics (e.g. developing a long-term research plan, doing healthcare research in industry, work-life balance). The primary expectations of the program are that (1) mentors will meet with mentees for an hour during the ML4H Symposium and provide advice on the topics of interest (2) mentees will prepare in-advance questions for the mentors.

Deadline for applying: October 15th AoE, 2022.

Please carefully review the expectations and guidelines for the program at
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Name *
Email *
Affiliation/Institution *
Background *
Background (industry, academic, clinical, etc) *
Availability for group mentorship session:
Areas of Expertise
Please indicate your interest/expertise to mentor each of the following topics. We use this information during the matching process.
Rank your interest to mentor each of the following topics: *
Taking on leadership roles (academia + industry)
Navigating the job search (industry)
Navigating academia (job search and tenure application process)
Doing healthcare research in industry
Developing a long-term research plan
Career path after graduation (postdoc, industry)
Establishing collaborations with clinicians and interdisciplinary work
Work-life balance
Non-traditional paths to machine learning research (from MD to machine learning)
Research career with kids
Scientific communication across backgrounds (machine learning and healthcare)
Democratizing ML: Applying ML to clinical research without a CS background
Doing a PhD? Application process.
PhD life
Research during med school
Doing healthcare research in developing countries
Underrepresentation of Women in STEM
How many times have you been a mentor before?
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If any, describe your previous mentoring experience:
Where is your home institution? (Optional, for diversity evaluation)
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What is your gender? (Optional, for diversity evaluation)
Anything else you'd like us to know / Suggestions for the Career Mentorship Program:
Would you like to be recognized as a mentor and your name to be listed on the ML4H website?  *
I understand that by submitting this application, I commit to fulfilling the mentor responsibilities for the Career Mentorship Program described at
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