Gold Standard Seminars, LLC
Thank you for participating in our Elbow Rehabilitation continuing education event. To receive continuing education credit for this On-Demand course you must pass this post test with a score of 70% or higher. You have unlimited attempts to pass this test. Please allow up to 48 hours after completing this post test to receive your course certificate.

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1. What combined motion is the most destabilizing after LCL reconstruction? *
10 points
2. What are other stabilizers of the medial elbow other than the UCL? *
10 points
3. When would you start AROM after post-op radial head fracture? *
10 points
4. What role does the interosseous membrane play in radial head excisions? *
10 points
5. What 3 special tests would you conduct that would give you 100% specificity and sensitivity of a distal biceps rupture?
10 points
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6. Why might a biceps rupture be missed? *
10 points
7. What is the general consensus for the position of immobilization s/p distal biceps repair? *
10 points
8. How much of the triceps tendon can be torn before surgery is considered? *
10 points
9. List the main mechanisms of injury for a distal triceps and biceps rupture to occur. *
10 points
10. When treating the stiff elbow, what is a good strategy to incorporate into your POC to gain motion? *
10 points
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