Stations of the Cross 2024
Thanks for being willing to participate in the Stations of the Cross project.  The date of the service is March 22nd at 6pm. I would like to have digital copies of the artwork and the written reflection by Sunday March 17th. 
Please use the form below to indicate interest in how you'd like to participate. 

This project is open to all ages and abilities. We've had kids as young as 5 participate and adults as elderly as 91. We've had people sign up as a group or class to contribute one collaborative work. 

ARTISTS:  We've had everything from traditional water color on canvas, ink drawings, and sketches, as well as conceptual and experimental pieces. I would like a digital photo of the artwork by Sunday March 17th. So that I can include it in the program. I would the physical piece at the church by March 20th.

WRITERS: We've had everything from traditional meditations, to poetry, rap and worship songs. I would like the reflections to be sent in by March 17th.  If you are writing a traditional meditation, it should be about 200 words. I hope you will be present to read it aloud during the service. 

And, yes, you can do both!

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The Stations

Please use the station titles when you indicate interest. In the past, people have looked online and said a number and then the lists didn't match. 
Station Title
Jesus is Betrayed by Judas
Jesus is Denied by Peter
Jesus is conndemned by Pilate
Jesus Takes Up the Cross
Jesus Falls the First Time
Jesus Meets his grieving Mother
Jesus' Cross is taken up by Simon of Cyrene
Jesus' face is wiped by Veronica
Jesus Falls the second time
Jesus Laments for the Women of Jerusalem
Jesus Falls a third time.
Jesus is Stripped
Jesus is nailed to the cross
Jesus Dies on the cross
Jesus' body is held by his mother.
Jesus' body is laid in the tomb.

Artists: please write below if you have a preference for a station (or prefer to not have a particular station). Also indicate a medium if you have an idea already.
Writers: please write below if you have a preference for a station (or prefer to not have a particular station).
Other Ways to be involved.
Any other questions / comments
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