Quiz FRC 4470 RULES Test
FRC Rules Exam
True of False Human Players can go over the Guardrail or Jump over the guardrail. *
1 point
How many members of the Drive team can talk to the Head Referee if your team has questions *
1 point
A Blue alliance Human player puts their their hands in the chute and leave it there for some time. What is the call made. *
1 point
When can the Drive Team Enter the Field         (Check All that Apply) *
2 points
Your Robot in the blue alliance during AUTO goes across to the red ALLIANCE SECTOR and contacts a red robot what call do the Referee's make *
1 point
What is the most number of power cells a robot can control at any given time *
1 point
Your alliance is about to begin your match. Your team's robot is not working and have decided not to compete in the match.  Do you still need to send a Drive Team Member to the match? *
1 point
A Red Robot is inside the BLUE LOADING ZONE and a Blue Robot contacts the Red Robot what is called *
1 point
A Blue Robot is inside its Trench and a Red Robot contacts the Blue Robot inside the Trench what is called *
1 point
1 Red Robot is playing Defense and is stopping the Blue Robot from entering the Blue Loading Zone what is called *
1 point
A Blue Robot Contacts a Red Robot at the Red RENDEZVOUS POINT while the Red Robot was climbing during End game what is called
1 point
Clear selection
What is the Maximum height of the robot before we reach endgame *
1 point
Are Robots Allowed to climb on each other before ENDGAME *
1 point
A Blue Robot Contacts a Red Robot at the Red RENDEZVOUS POINT with 45 seconds left What is called *
1 point
Your Robot bumper is completely detached What happens *
1 point
A Human player doesn't put the Power Cell on the Loading Bay what is called *
1 point
A Red Robot goes inside the Blue Robot frame perimeter and causes damage what is called *
1 point
A Coaches touches the Power Cell to give to the Human Player What is called *
1 point
A Red Robot in the Red Alliance Sector shoots the Power Cell across the field to the Opponent's Sector What is called. *
1 point
During the Match the Coach Uses the Robot what is called *
1 point
A Human Player uses the Power Cell such that the sensor does not trigger when the opponent's alliance shoots to the Power Cell. What is Called *
1 point
Clear form
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