Tomorrow River Community Virtual School Application for Admission 2023/2024
The Tomorrow River Community Charter Schools are tuition free public schools. 
Phone: 715-319-3008
• Students must turn 4 years old by June 1, 2023 to be considered for Pre-kindergarten, no
consideration for exemptions.
• Applicants must also complete the TRVCS Agreement and Media Questionnaire
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Correo electrónico *
Family Information
Please fill out the following information completely
Child's Name *
Birthdate *
Grade applying for 2023/2024 school year (Please fill out the intended grade) *
1) Parent/Guardian name *
1) Parent/Guardian Occupation *
1) Parent/Guardian Address, City, Zip *
1) Parent primary phone *
1) Parent work/secondary phone *
1) Parent email address *
2) Parent/Guardian name
2) Parent/Guardian Occupation
2) Parent/Guardian Address, Street, City, Zip
2) Parent primary phone
2) Parent work/secondary phone
2) Parent email address
Another caregiver name
Caregiver phone number
Siblings also applying to TRVCS? Please list names and grades
School district in which you reside *
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