Shea High School Career & Technical Education Pathway Application 2024-2025
In addition to filling out this application, each student will be required to submit Two Letters of Recommendation.

You will also be required to participate in an interview process with the CTE Pathway Acceptance Committee.
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Print your last name: *
Print your first name: *
Which pathway are you applying for: *
Please provide your address:  Number, Street, City, State, Zip Code *
Print name of Parent/Guardian *
Print phone number for Parent/Guardian *
Print Parent/Guardian email address *
Print Student Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) *
Print Student email address *
What school are you presently attending? *
What grade are you currently in? *
Please submit a statement (few sentences) of why you are interested in applying for this pathway and why is it important for your career/college plans. *
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