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Coaching Interest Form: Clare Maloney
Thanks for your interest in working with me.
I coach adults on a wide range of music skills including: vocal technique, performance skills, stage craft and persona, how to practice, leading a band, singing while playing an instrument, harmony singing, preparing for gigs/tours,
songwriting, recording and releasing music, production, working through creative blocks, booking shows, expanding the role music plays in your life and building a music career.
Kindly fill out the questions below and I'll be in touch to set up scheduling. For more info about me, please visit If you have questions, please include them at the end of the form.
Sessions are either 60 or 90 minutes hosted virtually via FaceTime, Skype or Google Meet.
Mon 2/10
Tue 2/11
Thu 2/20
Fri 2/21
Mon 2/24
Tue 2/25
Wed 2/26
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Full name
Your answer
What are you interested in working on?
Vocal Coaching
Performance Techniques & Stage Presence
General Music Guidance - Recording & Releasing Music, Working Thru Creative Blocks, Building Set Lists and Shows, Booking Shows, Fulfilling Goals, etc.
Vocal Production (studio)
Group Coaching - Band, Vocal Harmonies, Songwriting Workshop, Singing Masterclass etc
What is your musical background?
Your answer
What does your musical life look like currently?
Your answer
What are your goals for coaching?
Your answer
What are some of the challenges you are facing in your musical endeavors and goals?
Your answer
How often do you practice
Your answer
How often do you perform
Your answer
Have you had any kind of musical instruction before? Even self taught?
Your answer
Phone number
Your answer
Where are you located?
Your answer
What is your time zone?
Your answer
Do you have a preferred date/time from the available dates listed?
Your answer
How did you hear about me?
Your answer
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
Your answer
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