Holy Name PTO UNO Tournament RSVP
Please RSVP to our UNO Tournament to help us save you a seat and have enough UNO card decks for everyone.  
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The PTO will host an UNO Tournament Friday, February 3rd from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Holy Name Cafeteria.  This tournament is FREE to any Holy Name Student who can play UNO. Enter Door #1.  Take your seats by 6:25; play starts at 6:30 sharp.  Plan to play 4 rounds, which should take 1 hour, including a break.  Prizes awarded at the end.  Chips, Cookies and Drinks will be for sale for 50¢ each.
Student First and Last Name *
Student Grade *
If 3rd - 8th Grade, being dropped off? *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone # *
Any Special Requirements?  If students require any assistance they would normally find in our resource department or an adult to sit nearby, please let us know for seat planning.  We will try our best.
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