Admin/Mod Application Forms
Please fill in the following questions if you are interested in joining our admin team!
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What is your name? *
Please specify what country and timezone you are in *
Please indicate how old you are (either your age number or the year you were born) *
What hours are you roughly available to update?  (what times are you available at in KST?) *
How many hours are you online? *
Do you stan Stray Kids? *
Do you know the name to each member? *
Do you have any prior experience as a moderator/admin *
What is your main blog and/or sideblog? Please include a URL *
Do you have DISCORD in which we can contact you? If yes, please provide us with your ID *
If you answered no to the previous question, would you be able to make one?
Do you understand that maintaining an update blog is very time consuming and can be draining at times? *
Are you willing to follow our policy of respecting the fans? When answering asks, please maintain a positive attitude *
There will be a testing period where you will be required to draft at least 10 posts a week, do you accept this term? *
And lastly, tell us a little bit about yourself and why we should pick you *
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