Owner Surrender Questionnaire
Complete this form for surrender of a CAT to Cherokee County Animal Shelter
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Cat's Name *
Sex of Cat *
Spayed or Neutered *
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Why are you surrendering your pet? *
Where did you get your pet?
Is your pet current on vaccines? *
What is the name of the last vet your pet visited? ***Please bring any medical records you may have.
Does this pet have any medical conditions or previous injuries? *
If your pet has a medical condition, please explain.
Has this pet ever bitten a person or other animal? *
If your pet has bitten, please explain
Where did your cat spend most of its time? *
Where does your cat sleep?
Does your cat have litter box issues? *
Number of Cats in your home? *
What size/type of litter box do you use? *
Type of Litter? Check all that apply *
What type of food does this pet eat?
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Has your cat ever been around other cats? *
Has your cat ever lived in a home with children? *
Has your cat ever lived in a home with dogs? *
Does this pet have any behavior issues or destructive tendencies? *
If yes to the last question, please explain
Have you tried to rehome your pet? *
How long have you been trying
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Any other ADDITIONAL NOTES that you would like to share with the staff about your pet:
If you are surrendering this pet due to behavior issues, is it your intent that it be euthanized?
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Do you understand that when you surrender this animal to us that it is highly possible that we will have to euthanize this animal (put it to sleep)?   *
Your submission will be sent to the intake department of Cherokee County Animal Shelter.  You will receive a link to make an appointment after you submit your form.
131 Chattin Drive  Canton Georgia 678-493-4387  
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