Zone Athletics Permission and Medical details
Congratulations! Your child has been selected to represent St Joseph's Primary at the upcoming Hastings Zone Athletics Carnival.  Please read the following information carefully and complete this online Medical and Permission form by Wednesday 20th July then make payment of $4.00 via BPay, Eftpos at the school office or send cash in an envelope with your child’s name and ‘Zone Athletics’ clearly marked on it (please note some banks have a minimum BPay amount of $10.00, if you choose this option the balance will sit in your child's school activity account).

It is important that you advise us as soon as possible if your child cannot compete in the Carnival so that we may offer the place in the team to the next qualifying student.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Student's First Name *
Student's Surname *
Student's Class *
I give my child permission to participate at the Hastings Zone Athletics Carnival to be held at St Joseph's Regional College, Port Macquarie on Thursday 28th July 2022 (back up date 4th August 2022). *
I understand the team will be travelling to and from the venue by bus on the day.  My child will be travelling by .... (please be aware that if your child is travelling by private car the full cost of the day, being $4.00 is still payable). *
Singlet Size - Please select the correct "Joey's Zone" singlet size that is required. This singlet will be collected from and returned to the team managers on the day. *
I am aware that no electronic devices are to be used by students during the day as per our Use of Digital Technologies Policy and Agreements - “I understand that this Acceptable Usage of Device Contract also applies during school excursions, camps and any extra-curricular activities.” *
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