Order Signed Copies of "A Case of Culture"
You can still order print paperback & hardcover copies of "A Case of Culture" through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingram Spark, and Kobo directly (links on my website www.snigdhanandipati.com/book).

However, if you would like to have a signed copy or would like to bypass third party retailers, you can order via this form. Once you complete the form, I will send you an invoice for your order via Paypal or Venmo (your preference). Your order will be processed after the invoice is paid.

What is included:
- Paperback or Hardcover copy of A Case of Culture
- Personalized message and author signature
- Themed bookmark and laptop sticker
- Cost of shipping

Cost of Signed Paperback Copies:
- 1 for $25
- 2 for $45
- 5 for $100

Cost of Signed Hardcover Copies:
- 1 for $35
- 2 for $65
- 5 for $140

Offer valid for paperback or hardcover copy shipped in the 48 United States. Offer is not transferable or refundable. Please contact me at snigdha.nandipati@gmail.com for international shipping and bulk (5 or more) orders.
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