DAHS Mini-THON permission
If your child has registered for our mini-THON event, this form must be completed in order for them to attend. In addition, the $100 must be submitted by March 13 in order for t-shirts to be printed for the event.
Email *
Parent's Full Name *
Parent's Email Address *
Parent's Contact Number During Mini-THON *
Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Student's Grade *
Student's Homeroom *
Student's T-shirt Size *
Parent/Guardian Agreement
- I understand that my child cannot leave at any time during that 12-hour period.  
- I am aware that photos and videos taken at this event can be used to promote it.  
- I understand that all reasonable safety precautions will be taken by The Dover Area School District and its agents during the event or activity.  
- I understand the possibility of unforeseen hazards and know the inherent possibility of risk.  
- I give my son/daughter permission to get a haircut at Mini-THON to donate hair if he or she chooses.
- I agree not to hold the DoverArea School District, its Board of School Directors, its officers, employees and volunteer staff liable for any damages, liabilities, losses, penalties, costs, expenses, legal fees, claims or injuries incurred or resulting from the activity of Dover's Mini-THON.  
 - I understand that any fundraising is a donation to Four Diamonds and will NOT be refunded for any reason.  Refunds will not be given if a permission form is not signed or if a student is unable to attend.
I have read and understand the parent/guardian agreement and grant permission for my child to participate in the 12-hour Mini-THON on April 13, 2024, into April 14, 2024, from 7:00 PM - 7:00 AM at Dover Area High School. (Please type your name) *
Every effort should be made to administer medications before or after Mini-THON. Please indicate below if your child will need medication during the event. Please also indicate any medical issues Mini-THON chaperones need to be aware of.
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