GN2 Program Participant Waiver
Interested in trying a FREE night of Ultimate in OCUA's GN2 (Girls, Non-Binary, Two-Spirited) program? All GN2 participants aged 7-17 are welcome! This program will take place from 6:00-7:00pm at the Raven's Field at Carleton University.

Interested participants are encouraged to come out for a session to try Ultimate & if interested, sign up for the remainder of the Summer session. Participants will get the opportunity to learn some Ultimate skills and participate in drills & games! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!

Any player who identifies as GN2 and wishes to attend a FREE night of Ultimate is asked to please fill out the form below. If you have any questions, please email

Thank you!
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Name of Participant (First & Last) 
Contact Information - Email address
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Ultimate Experience (reminder: no experience necessary to participate & have fun!)
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To aid us in providing a safe physical environment, please let us know if the participant has any pre-existing medical conditions (Medical/Injury) we should be aware of.
Date you will be attending a FREE session *

Would you like to receive electronic communications from OCUA about upcoming Ultimate programs, leagues or events?
Member’s Acceptance of Risk Injury
While the sport of Ultimate is a non-contact sport, this does not mean that contact will
never occur. Ultimate is a fast-paced, athletic sport and as such has all the attendant
risks that are commonly associated with such an activity. While all players are expected
to adhere to the spirit of sportsmanship as outlined in the rules of the sport, it is not
possible to absolutely ensure that contact between players will not occur, and that
injuries will not be sustained. Members are reminded that they engage entirely at their
own risk. Parents or Guardians of youth and junior players are required to consent to
these conditions in order to participate. Medical information must be shared with OCUA
staff/volunteers, which will be kept strictly confidential between the coach and OCUA.  

Concussion Safety & Awareness
Members must review Ontario's new legislation regarding concussions every 12
months. By accepting these terms and conditions, you are confirming that you have
read the Concussion Awareness Resources, as well as OCUA's own concussion
recognition and management protocol.
Photo and Video Release
I grant permission to the Organization to photograph and/or record my image for the purpose of organizational promotions [electronic and print]
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