Spark Faith At Home 
StoryMakers NYC is launching Spark Faith At Home, thanks to a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment Inc. through the Christian Parenting and Caregiving Initiative. The aim of the initiative is to help parents and caregivers nurture faith at home with the children in their care. StoryMakers NYC plans to create digital and physical materials that will spark connection around faith through art, creativity, and play.  

StoryMakers invites parents/caregivers, and those who support families through ministry, to join a three-year cohort to explore innovative ways to bolster faith at home.  First we ask for a one year commitment. At the end of the first year you will be given the option to renew.

Participants will receive: (1) expert coaching and training, (2) freebies that include fresh StoryMakers materials, (3) resources to pilot at home, and (4) a supportive community network.

Your participation will include: (1) the implementation of sample materials, and (2) participation in surveys, focus groups, and quarterly zoom calls. All of this will help us to create resources that help you and your families, as well as those who come after you.  

Let’s stay connected through this process! Get in touch anytime, and tag us on social media along the way. Your StoryMakers Parent Liaison is Catherine Breed, and she is here to guide you through this process.  Contact with any questions.

Fill out this interest form and then you will receive an invitation with all the details. Submission of the form will be interpreted as your informed consent to participate, if accepted.

Open to residents of the U.S. and Canada.  

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What challenges do you face as your try to nurture faith at home?
Name (First and Last) *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Name of Church, School, or Organization
I am a (check all that apply): *
What is your experience with StoryMakers? *
Have you used any of the StoryMakers zines or materials?  If so, which ones?
Are you a part of any of our StoryMakers networks?
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What are the ages of the kids/teens you care for or work with? (check all that apply) *
What do you find helpful for faith formation at home?
I heard about the Spark Faith at Home cohort from...
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My context: *
StoryMakers has resources in English and Spanish!  What language do you speak at home?
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Comments (if you answered "other" to any questions, please explain here): 
Which of the following best describes you and your family?
If you answered "other" for the question above, please explain here.  

My race or ethnicity or that of my family is best described as... 

StoryMakers invites parents/caregivers to join a three-year cohort adventure to explore faith at home. Participants will receive expert coaching and training, freebies that include brand new materials and resources to pilot at home, and a supportive community network.  In exchange, we simply ask for feedback and input through surveys, focus groups, and quarterly 30-minute zoom calls. We ask you now to make a one year commitment. At the end of the first year you will be given the option to renew. We hope to have as many as possible commit for all three years so we can better understand the needs of families!  

Are you ready to begin the adventure?

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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