Miss La Motte Advent Sets - interest
Please enter your name and e-mail contact details to snag one of the MLM advents. This form completes my numbers for the Advent set - the first 24 names/timestamps will be in the running for the set.

At this stage - the form is purely to establish interest, and to compile interested parties in one spot for future information communication. Prices will be confirmed at a later stage.

Please note that the advent sets will ONLY contain yarn and not any extras/gifts. Shipping is available for international (using DHL as carrier) and domestic (South Africa) customers.

Numbers for the 24 skein set will be limited due to the labour intensive nature of the process.

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Name *
Advent set - please indicate which set you would be interested in: *
In the interest of environmental sustainability, please indicate the following *
In 2020, there was a little story attached for each day/colour reveal. I do think it prudent to create less 'waste', so the daily story will be in email format this year. Please indicate your preference *
Other thoughts/comments/messages
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