EngWeek 2024 Mechanical Design Competition Registration (In collaboration with CSME)

This is a construction challenge. Teams of 4 students are faced with a problem that they need to solve by building a small machine. They are provided with a strict set of rules and list of material. From those, they need to come up with an original and functional design and product. After 6 hours of hard work, the teams present their solution in front of a panel of judges and then demonstrate its ability to complete the challenge.

Friday, March 29th, 11:00 to 21:00

Registration DEADLINE: March 24th

LOCATION: Concordia University, Hall Building

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Email *
Full name *
Student ID (Please put N/A if you are not a Concordia Student) *
Which university are you from? *
Program of Study *
Phone number *
If you would like to be in a team with friend(s) that have already registered, please indicate [max 4/team]
I am aware that this competition is free of charge for all Undergraduate Concordia Engineering/Computer Science Students but it is a paid competition for those who are in a different faculty/university. I am aware that I need to pay the registration fee here if I am not a Concordia engineering/computer science student. *
Any dietary restrictions, allergies, special accommodations that the organizing committee should be aware of? 
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