Incoming Kindergarteners 2023-2024
Hey Kindergarten Families! We are so excited to start to get to know your child as well as your family! Please fill out the following questions as thoroughly as possible. It is important that you are as honest as possible so that we can create classrooms that ensure the best learning environment for each student. Thank you for taking the time to help us out!
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Child's First and Last name *
Parent/Guardian Names: *
Your Child's Birth Date MM/DD/YYYY *
Is your child *
Does your child have any siblings at Lincoln? If so, please list their names and grade!
Did your child attend preschool? *
If yes, please tell us the name of preschool and their experience (half days, full days, how many days a week, how many years, challenges, successes, etc.).
How does your child interact with other kids around their age? (Sharing habits, taking turns, problem solving) *
Does your child become excessively upset when separating from you? If yes, please explain. *
How does your child respond to being disappointed or being told "no"? *
Can your child focus on a single activity (non-technology related) for 5 or more minutes? If not, please explain. *
How long does your child color/write independently?
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What does your child like to do for fun? *
What are your child's responsibilities at home, if any? *
What do you admire the most about your child? *
Things we should know about your child (medications, diagnoses, recent changes in home life, etc.): *
Can your child express their needs and wants with words and be easily understood by adults? If not, please explain. *
Has your child received services in any of these areas, currently or in the past?
If you checked any of the services above, please explain:
Do you have concerns about your child in any of these areas?
Please provide more information on the area(s) of concerns:
Check all of the items your child can do independently *
One wish you have for your child this year in kindergarten: *
Any additional information you'd like us to know? *
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