Parish License Survey
Thank you for completing our survey. Please submit your results by 3pm on Wednesday, April 29.
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Parish Name *
Parish Street Address *
City *
Postal Code *
Parish Phone Number *
Name of Person Completing Survey *
Role in Parish *
Email Address *
Does your parish livestream Mass, prayer services or any other type of events? *
Which platform(s) does your parish use to livestream? Please check all that apply. *
Which language(s) are you livestreaming Masses or other events? Please select all that apply. *
Does your parish have one or more of the following copyright licenses (check all that apply) *
Identify the vendor for each type of license you have checked.  If you don't have a license or are not sure if you have a license, please write: no license or not sure. *
If your parish has a license, please list the license period. For example: 6/1/19-5/31/20. If you don't have a license, write: no license. *
What is the average in person attendance at Mass on weekends. When thinking of this average, think back to February, prior to COVID-19, and estimate the average total weekend attendance at all services. *
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