Ambassador DAO Application
Fill the form to apply to Waves Ambassador DAO
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
What type of ambassador would you like to be? *
Tell us why you are the best candidate
For people who want to be manager or influencer
Twitter account *
ID Telegram *
Waves.Exchange's wallet address *
Specify the wallet participating in the DAO
The personal data we collect, and process are limited to information regarding our relationship. This includes ID Telegram, Twitter account and Waves.Exchange wallet address. We collect personal data for only one purpose: when you have decided to take part in DAO and submit your application. As we have defined the winner(s), we eliminate all information you provide us. *
Type this code: 58CF6Q *
This code is to verify you are a human. Protected by xfanatical.
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