If you are interested in joining the incredible Altadena Chorus family this year, you must fill out this form so we can communicate everything you will need to know to make this happen! :)

"But Mrs. Argueta, I can't sing." WRONG! Everyone can sing, and in Chorus you will receive personalized training amongst a community of passionate students to help grow your skills and confidence. Hope to see you (virtually) in Chorus!
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Email (kyrene) *
Student Grade Level *
Have you ever been in a choir before? *
Are you interested in/able to attend live Chorus Zoom meetings after school? (Not a requirement for participation, as there will also be videos) *
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Email Address (Please type carefully) *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian #2 First Name (leave blank if not applicable)
Parent/Guardian #2 Last Name (leave blank if not applicable)
Parent/Guardian #2 Email Address (leave blank if not applicable)
Parent/Guardian #2 Phone Number (leave blank if not applicable)
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Kyrene School District erstellt. Missbrauch melden