This is a Journey in learning how to Reclaim Your Voice.  Some of us are not quite ready to share on a podcast, yet know that their experiences can help others know that they are not alone.  Here is a space for your safe sharing, whatever that is for you.  Whether you want to write your story or experiences, anonymously or known OR you choose to share your transformation on the podcast, you have different routes for alchemical vulnerability.  
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Do you wish to share on Podcast or Write your story?

(This is just an idea for you as to how or what to write- You do not need to follow this, however you can. Also it does not need to be your whole story- it could be a pattern,  one specific situation, a relationship, an addiction...however you feel guided to share- this is YOUR VOICE, I hold this space for you)

Thank you for choosing to share your anonymous story with us. Your voice matters, and your story has the power to inspire, heal, and remind others that they are not alone. Please take a few moments to complete this form and share your experience. Rest assured that your identity will remain anonymous.

The Part of the connection I would like to make is connecting our childhood experiences to choices that we have made and here is a list of example questions to get your memory going.

****These are questions to jog some thoughts and get you into the frame for writing, you may use these but it is not necessary. Nor do you need to read/ or answer any of them!****

1. Can you share a significant childhood experience that has had a lasting impact on your life?
2. How do you believe this particular experience influenced the choices you made in your early adulthood?
3. Were there any specific role models or influential figures during your childhood who shaped your decision-making process? How did they impact your choices?
4. Reflecting on your childhood, were there any challenging circumstances or obstacles you faced that prompted you to make certain choices later on?
5. Can you recall a specific moment or event from your childhood that directly influenced a significant decision you made in your life?
6. In what ways do you think your family dynamics during childhood played a role in shaping the choices you made as you grew older?
7. Were there any cultural or societal factors during your upbringing that influenced your decision-making process? If so, how did they impact your choices?
8. Can you identify any recurring patterns or themes in your childhood experiences that have influenced the choices you consistently make in your life?
9. How did the educational environment or experiences during your formative years shape the decisions you made in terms of career or personal growth?
10. Can you describe any specific childhood memories or experiences that sparked a change in your belief system, leading to a shift in the choices you made?

11. Did any hobbies or extracurricular activities you engaged in during childhood influence the choices you made later on in terms of interests or passions?
12. Were there any specific values or principles instilled in you during childhood that guided your decision-making process as you became an adult?
13. Can you pinpoint any pivotal moments or interactions with friends or peers during your childhood that influenced your choices in relationships or social circles?
14. How did your socioeconomic background or financial situation during childhood impact the choices you made in terms of financial management or career pursuits?
15. Can you recall any instances where childhood trauma or adverse experiences influenced the choices you made in terms of personal growth or self-care?
16. How did the level of independence or autonomy you had during your childhood impact the choices you made in terms of personal freedom or decision-making in adulthood?
17. Were there any significant transitions or relocations during your childhood that influenced the choices you made in terms of adapting to change or seeking stability?
18. Can you identify any specific childhood experiences that fostered a sense of resilience or determination, ultimately shaping the choices you made in overcoming challenges?
19. How did the support system you had during childhood, such as family, friends, or mentors, impact the choices you made in pursuing your goals or aspirations?
20. Looking back, is there a particular childhood experience that you feel has had the most profound impact on the choices you made throughout your life? If so, can you elaborate on that experience and its influence?

These are questions to jog some thoughts and get you into the frame for writing, you may use these but it is not necessary. Nor do you need to read/ or answer any of them!

Your Story:
In this section, we invite you to share your story. Feel free to write in your preferred format, whether it's a narrative, poem, or letter. You can reflect on your darkest moments, struggles, or moments of triumph. Pour your heart onto the page and express yourself authentically.

It can be about anyone experience it can be about, your life, a relationship, an event, ANYTHING that you feel guided to share.

3. Emotions:
How would you describe the primary emotions associated with your story? 
- Anger
- Sadness
- Fear
- Hope
- Joy
- Gratitude
- Confusion
- Empowerment
- Other 

What did you learn from the most difficult experience in life that you wouldn't have otherwise learnt? 

 Lessons Learned:
What lessons or insights have you gained from your experiences? How have they shaped you or influenced your personal growth?

5. Advice for Others:
If you could offer words of advice or support to others who may be going through similar challenges, what would you say?

6. Closing Thoughts:
Is there anything else you would like to share or express before submitting your story?

Note: We encourage you to be authentic and vulnerable in sharing your story, but please refrain from including any personally identifiable information to ensure your anonymity.

By submitting your story, you acknowledge that it may be shared on our website or blog to foster a supportive community and provide solace to others. However, rest assured that your identity will remain confidential.

Thank you for bravely sharing your story with us. Your words have the power to make a difference.

Fiercely Loving You,
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I give the Bare Your Heart Podcast permission to use my story in the following ways (Select all that apply):
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