MeMoSa: therapy by Collin Kelly and Alexandria Giroux
Using comedy, characterization, dance, and live intuitive spiritual readings, 'therapy' is an invitation to question the toxic positivity run rampant in new-age wellness culture.

By appropriating various self-help methodologies, Collin Kelly and collaborator Alexandria Giroux intend to reveal the performance behind the performance of social media and the wellness industry; simultaneously criticizing superficiality while being critical of those who think they are above it.

The event will take place on Thursday, 9/22/2022 from 7-8:30pm in The Movement Lab

Capacity in the lab is capped at 35 audience members. Attendees who have RSVP'd before the event will have priority, and admission will be determined on a first come first serve basis on arrival. If you RSVP before the event but you arrive late, we reserve the right to give your spot to someone on the waitlist. 

Attendees who have not RSVP'd will be put on a standby waitlist if they arrive in-person before the event.

*NOTE* - All attendees must be vaccinated. Be sure to bring proof of vaccination and ID to verify in order to participate.

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