Zero Waste Home Workshop
Join ILACSD for our FREE Zero Waste Home Workshop on Saturday, June 22, 2019 from 10AM-12PM at the North Park Nursery. Whether you’re starting your zero waste journey or ready to take it to the next level, come learn how to set yourself up for zero waste success!

Through educational booths and hands-on activities, you will learn how to reduce your waste in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and throughout your home. We will discuss the importance of a zero waste lifestyle and how to confidently implement sustainable practices into various aspects of your life.

Hands-on activities will be available for all ages, including an eco-kid’s craft and a make-and-take project!  

Make and Take: DIY Toothpaste

Eco Kid's Craft: Decorate Produce Bags

Raffle Prizes: Stasher Bags, Dr. Bronners Soap

At the workshop, participate in the community Swap 'n Shop - a free item exchange table! Bring items and take items; it's as simple as that! Example items brought to past workshops include: clothes, nail polish, stereos, pet supplies, books, CD’s, picture frames, kitchen ware, Halloween costumes, etc.  

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