Health Survey for wedding guests
This form is for anyone having hair done for a mobile wedding service and is a guest including bridesmaids, mum's and friends.
Please answer the following questions 7 days or less prior to the booked wedding day to be able to continue your appointment.
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Email *
Have you (or bridal party members) travelled to or live in a declared hotspot or area that has reported cases? *
Wajib diisi
Thank you for your understanding
I have had so many changes to my business due to the COVID-19.
I am looking to keep my family, myself and my clients safe and reduce the impact on my household.

I am asking people to submit a questionnaire 24 hours prior to my location visit for bridal parties so to ensure all our safety.

As a directive from the Health Department we are also required to collect name, address, email and phone number from all people having services as a requirement of operation.

Please be aware I may refuse service in the politest way possible if anyone is unwell or not adhering to government requirements including providing details. These details will not be shared of used for marketing.  If you have any questions or are concerned please call me to discuss.

For all my bridal clients I will be adhering to all guidelines including the amount of people allowed in any area. I will have discussions with you prior to your special day to coordinate a plan specific to you and your location and number of guests.

Thank you so much for your understanding.

Name *
Bride's name *
Wedding Date *
Mobile number *
Please provide your residential address. This is a Health Department requirement. *
Please read the terms and conditions including COVID policy from the link below and tick yes to acknowledge you have read and understand the importance. *
Wajib diisi
Please be aware we will be restricting services for people that have travelled to or live in COVID hot spots according to Qld Health regulations. We are happy to discuss each individual case if you have questions or if regulations change through Qld Health. *
Please read the information from the link below and tick yes to acknowledge you have read and understand the importance. *
Wajib diisi
I am also aware if I am ill I am to notify you via phone or email to cancel my appointment. I am not to be present whilst hair and make-up is performed if I have any signs of cold, flu or illness. If I do not give notice and service is refused it will be at my own expense. *
I acknowledge that I may be required to wear a mask and provide a medical exemption via email prior to my appointment. *
Have you experienced a cough, fever, tiredness, difficulty breathing (severe cases)?
Batalkan pilihan
Have you (or bridal party members) travelled or been outside of Queensland in the last 14 days? If so, please provide location, length of stay, return to Queensland date and if you have quarantined. *
I am aware it is a mandatory requirement to check in using the Qld Covid check in app when having hair services with The Hair Artist Collective. Refusal to check in for hair services may result in refusal of service at clients expense. *
Have you been in contact with anyone who has been unwell or been tested for COVID-19? *
Have you been tested for COVID-19 in the last 14 days? Please provide your negative test result via email to maintain appointment. We are also recommending to our guests if they have visited or been in a lock down or hotspot that they be tested to allow ample time for results to return back during uncertain times. *
Any further questions or information?
Please select one of the following; *
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