Flexibility and stakeholder interaction questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in taking part in this survey.

The purpose of this survey is to collect information and stakeholder perspectives on:

1. How flexibility is understood and deployed within various countries/regions, and to collect additional sources of information relevant to international experiences related to flexibility.  

2. How system/network operators and other stakeholders perceive the impact of flexibility and their interaction.

3. Research projects related to flexibility in the power system

The results of the survey will be used for:
- Consolidation of the ISGAN discussion paper titled: "Flexibility harvesting and its impact on stakeholder interaction"
- Assessment of flexibility markets  and flexibility stakeholders.

These documents will be made publicly available at: https://www.iea-isgan.org/

Please provide your answers by 12th of November 2021.
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State the country and province/state you are representing when answering this questionnaire. *
To which sector do you belong? Please check all applicable boxes *
This questionnaire is divided into 4 categories. Please select the category you feel most suited to your area of expertise. Note: You will have the opportunity to consider another category at the end of each section. *
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