The Fanet is always taking on new projects to help bring out the best in our network of artists and creators!
From YouTube shows, to Creative Commons music, to videogame streaming…
if you’re looking for collaborators we can probably find a place for you to get creating.

Please fill out the following form if you're interested in collaborating and we'll get in touch as soon as we can.
If you're not getting a response for some reason, you can email us at or reach out directly via The Fanet's Discord at
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Email *
Your name/pronouns *
If you're a band, put your band name and the name of your point of contact
At least one social media link *
This is so we can get to know you and so we can credit you properly when posting the stuff we work on together. Don't worry, we will never share these links without getting your permission first.
Tell us about yourself!
This is an optional get-to-know-you. What are you into? Where are you from? What do you do in your free time? If you're already on our Discord, what's your username?
I want to join The Fanet... *
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