Parents and Students are Left Out of School Reopening Plans. Please Help.
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Please add your name in support of the following guidelines for reopening schools:

- We maintain that any plan must follow expert public health guidance on when and how to safely reopen our schools. The proposed deal does not yet but should incorporate state and county guidance about when it is safe to return to the classroom. The proposed deal as it stands could keep students out of their classrooms for the remainder of this school year.

- The timeline between approving a deal/MOU and the physical arrival of students back in the classroom must be more urgent. We know that six buildings are ready for students to return, many more are close to ready, supplies are fully available, and teachers are already undergoing training. We cannot delay five weeks between ratification of a deal and returning our students to class in-person.

- Instructional plans must include an option to return full-time 5-days per week to in-person learning, particularly for ‘21/’22 school year. This is a critical requirement for many working families, yet we hear that there is a consideration on the table to only return students 2-mornings per week for the duration of the ‘21/’22 school year. We understand the plans to begin school reopening this spring ‘21 with a hybrid approach, however this cannot be a long-term strategy.

- Instructional plans can and should allow for normal class sizes in stable cohorts, according to updated public health guidance (as opposed to the previous maximum cohort of 14 students).

- We need inclusion of all students, TK-12, in our plan for reopening our schools. We maintain that plans for returning middle and high school students must be underway. Evidence shows it is safe them to return. Every day they remain at home their mental and emotional health is suffering.

- We ask that any signed MOUs around a return to in-person learning are renegotiated in line with the latest scientific findings and the experience of the district. A signed MOU that goes through July 2022 is too far in the future to accurately reflect the current science.

We stand together to call on our labor and district leadership to commit to following guidance from the San Francisco Department of Public Health and to finalize agreements, by the next bargaining deadline of February 18th, so that we can safely return our staff, teachers, and students to school this spring. These health officials are our city’s leading experts on the coronavirus, and we should be listening to them for how to safely and expeditiously get students back into the classroom. Each day that goes by furthers the educational impact on every single one of our city’s public school children, who desperately need to return so they can connect with their peers, deepen their learning, and have their social-emotional needs met. Every day matters.


SFUSD Parents, Students, Teachers, Staff, & Our Citywide Supporters
CC: Superintendent Dr. Vincent Matthews
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