Pride Month Trivia!
In celebration of Pride Month, we invite you to test your knowledge and learn more about the incredible contributions of prominent figures from the LGBTQ+ community! 

Submit for a chance to win a prize! Winners will be announced at the end of June.

Please provide your contact information in this quiz so we can contact you if you have won.

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The Stonewall Inn is in which New York City neighborhood *
1 point

Cyndi Lauper wrote the music for Kinky Boots based on whose book?

1 point

What show features the longest-running queer character in TV history?

1 point

What was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage?

1 point

The Stonewall riots took place in June of what year?

1 point

What TV show featured the largest transgender cast in history?

1 point

Taylor Swift mentions "GLAAD" in which of her songs?

1 point

Which state became the first to legalize civil unions for the same-sex couples?

1 point

Which of The Golden Girls had a gay brother?

1 point
Which iconic writer was a member of The Order of Chaeronea *
1 point
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