2024 Sponsor Application Form
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
Please tell us a little more about yourself.
1. Sponsor's Name(s) Organization *
2. Address *
3. Preferred Phone Number *
4. Honoree Information
Please tell us about the person you are honoring/sponsoring..

5. Name *
6. Address *
7. Preferred Phone Number of Honoree *
8. Honoree email *
9. How do you wish the Honoree's name to appear on the stone? (Example: Name, Title)  *
10. State/Province AND Country section where the Honoree's marker should be placed. *
11. Will the Honoree attend the Ceremony? *
12. If not, who will be accepting the certificate for the Honoree? (Please type "N/A" if the Honoree will be present at the ceremony)
13. If no one is available to accept, where should the certificate be mailed. (Please type "N/A" if someone will be at the ceremony to accept the certificate for the Honoree)
14. Please submit a biography in the 3rd person about the Honoree for the Forest Magazine, no more than 300 words long *
15. Please submit a two-paragraph (up to 150 words) to be read at the ceremony. *
Please email a photograph of the Honoree to forestoffriendship@gmail.com with "2023 Sponsor Info for:___________" in the Subject line, or mail to the address below.*
Payment of $450.00 dollars must be made payable to the International Forest of Friendship and sent for each Honoree.  PayPal also may be used.  (If using PayPal the fee is slightly higher at $460.00 dollars due to the fees that PayPal charges.)The number for tax deduction is NO. 45-2675231.  If you prefer to mail a check please mail to: International Forest of Friendship, Attn: Office Staff, 913 Main Street, Atchison KS  66002.  This amount does not include the Registration Fee for attending the Forest Celebration -- please let your Honoree know if you do not plan to pay the registration fee!!  If you would like to receive a receipt please enclose a request. No refunds after July 15, 2024.
Pay online with PayPal
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