Do you understand Legislation?
A questionnaire inquiring your knowledge of the language used within the legal system and legislation. By participating in this questionnaire, you give consent for your results to be used anonymously.  You have the right to remove your data at any time until the 28th of May 2024.
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What is your understanding of this police caution? 
You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.  - UK POLICE CAUTION
What is your understanding of this police caution?
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. - US MIRANDA WARNING
Which out of the two above, conveys a clearer meaning? *
In legal proceedings, what term refers to the act of putting evidence or facts to a judge after a defendant has already been found guilty, in the attempt to lessen their sentence? *
0 points
What is the term for a court order requiring a person to appear in court as a witness or provide evidence? *
0 points
What is the term for a decision made by a judge that serves as a guide for future cases? *
0 points
What is the term for the standard of proof required in a criminal trial, where the evidence must establish guilt ''beyond a reasonable doubt''? *
0 points
In court of law, what term describes the act of providing additional evidence that supports or confirms the testimony of a witness? *
0 points
Equality Act (2010)
To what extent do you understand this section of the Equality Act (2010) legislation? What is your understanding of this extract? Is it easy to follow? Note anything you find interesting. *

The 2010 Equality Act states that it's considered discrimination if someone treats another person less favourably due to a protected characteristic, such as:

-               Age

-              Disability

-              Marriage

-              Civil partnership

-              Race

-              Sex

However, there are exceptions, such as if the treatment is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim (for age), or if the person is not disabled and is treated less favourably compared to disabled persons (for disability).

For race, segregation counts as less favourable treatment.

For sex, discrimination includes mistreatment based on breastfeeding for women, but special treatment related to pregnancy isn't considered discrimination against men.

To what extent do you understand this rendition of the Equality Act (2010) legislation? What is your understanding of this extract? How does it differ from the previous extract? Note anything you find interesting.


Which of the two previous extracts did you find easier to understand?
British Theft Act 1968 
To what extent do you understand this section of the British Theft Act (1968) legislation? What is your understanding of this extract? Is it easy to follow? Note anything you find interesting.


1. Robbery occurs when an individual steals and, either immediately before or during the act, uses force against any person or instils fear of immediate harm in order to facilitate the theft. 

2. Any person found guilty of robbery, or of assaulting with intent to rob, upon indictment, faces the possibility of lifelong imprisonment.


1. Burglary is committed when a person unlawfully enters a building or part thereof with the intention of committing a specified offense, or having entered unlawfully, steals or attempts to steal property within the premises or inflicts or attempts to inflict serious bodily harm on any person present. 

2. The specified offences mentioned in subsection (1)(a) include theft within the premises, causing serious bodily harm to any person therein, and causing unlawful damage to the building or its contents. 

3. Upon conviction, a person found guilty of burglary may face imprisonment for up to fourteen years if the offense involves a dwelling, or up to ten years in any other case. 

4. The term "building" in subsections (1) and (2) also encompasses inhabited vehicles or vessels, and the reference to a dwelling applies to any such vehicle or vessel, regardless of whether the inhabitant is present at the time of the offence.

To what extent do you understand this rendition of the British Theft Act (1968) legislation? What is your understanding of this extract? How does it differ from the previous extract? Note anything you find interesting.


Which of the two previous extracts did you find easier to understand?
Were you aware of the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp trial case that occurred in 2022? *
Were you aware of the charges involved in the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp trial case?
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Did you understand the charges involved in the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp trial case?
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Did the media influence your opinion on the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp case?
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To what extent did the media influence your opinion on the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp case?
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Did the law influence your opinion on the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp case?
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To what extent did the law influence your opinion on the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp case?
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Do you feel that the legal system and it's legislation is accessible and understandable to the average person?
What sources do you typically rely on to learn about legal matters? (e.g., news, online resources, professionals, etc.)
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