Sustainable Reasoning - Starting A Chapter Application
Thank you for your interest in Sustainable Reasoning! This is a great opportunity for you to make a positive impact on the environment and help yourself and others, live a sustainable life. Please fill out this brief form so that we can get to know you and you goals better. Remember, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to After the form is successfully completed, we will contact you by email to schedule a meeting within the next 48 hours.
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Email *
Name *
Location (City, State/Country) *
How did you hear about Sustainable Reasoning? *
What experience do you have in leadership? *
How much time will you commit to Sustainable Reasoning on a weekly basis? Please be honest! *
Do you have any ideas for particular initiatives/events that you would like to host in your chapter?   *
How will you contribute to the growth of this organization? *
Have you joined our Discord server, if not the link is here:  *
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