Back-to-School Bootcamp - Session 5 - Boots on the Ground Webinar PD Certificate
Thanks for joining our Back-to-School Bootcamp, Session 5 - Boots on the Ground. Please enter your name and email once you finish the webinar, and you receive PD certificate in your email within 24 hours.
First Name *
As you would like it to appear on your certificate
Last Name *
Email Address 
Your certificate will be sent here
What date did you complete the webinar? *
Example: August 6, 2024 or 8/6/2024 (this text will appear on your certificate exactly as you write it below)
How did you learn about the Banzai Back-to-School Bootcamp?
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What did you enjoy most about the Back-to-School Bootcamp?
Are you interested in learning more about becoming a member of the Teacher Advisory Board?
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Please provide any additional comments you have about the bootcamp, in general. How can we improve, or what webinar topics would you like to see more of?
BONUS: If you are an educator currently using Banzai in the classroom, can you share a success story where the curriculum had a noticeable impact on a student or a group of students? (Please specify which Banzai course you used with your class)?
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