Neopets Metaverse Ambassador Program Sign-up
Hello, fellow Neopians!

We are planning to launch an Ambassador Program that aims to recognize friendly and passionate members who have actively supported our thriving community in various ways such as:
- Being active, friendly, and helpful members to assist fellow Neopians
- Building and developing community tools
- Being active on our social media platforms
- Providing valuable feedback and suggestions for game development and improvements

Neopets Metaverse Ambassadors are by invitation only and will be handpicked by the team.

Ambassador's roles and responsibilities may include but are not limited to:
- Hosting AMAs
- Sharing Neopets Metaverse content on your own socials or channels of other blockchain projects
- Answering community questions and facilitating the onboarding of new Neopians
- Providing feedback and suggestions

Benefits of an Ambassador:
- An honorary status (An ambassador token in your wallet that is verifiable on Discord)
- Exclusive token & NFT airdrops
- The right to issue allowlists
- The right to onboard new members into Matrix Neopians
- Invitation to exclusive IRL & Metaverse events
- Direct communication channel with Neopets Metaverse Team

We highly value the concept of mentorship and guidance, and will continually strive toward building a wholesome community with Neopians at its core. We believe that a strong and supportive community is the very foundation and driving force of the project.

If you have further questions, please open a ticket with us on:
Discord Username, Including Numbers *
Other Socials (e.g. Instagram, Telegram, Youtube)
Choose your Ambassador Role *
Solana Wallet Address (e.g. Phantom, Fractal, Solflare, etc) *
ETH Wallet Address (e.g. Metamask)
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