WAITING LIST - CRUES' training camp registration form (EN)

Due to the great popularity of the event, the training camp is currently full, but places may become available due to cancellations. By filling in this form, you are giving us the information needed to organize the camp, in the event you ended up participating.

If a place becomes available for you, we will contact you personally.
If you don't hear from us before the camp, it's because there weren't enough cancellations to allow your participation.

*Participation in this training camp is free of charge (food and accommodation).*

By registering with this form, you consent to the elected members of CRUES using the information provided here for CRUES organizational purposes only. No personal data will be transmitted to third parties. All data contained in the answers to this form will be deleted one (1) year after the start of the event in question.
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First name *
Last name
Phone number that will allow us to contact you directly for the purposes of this event.
Email address
Are you a member of a student association? If so, which one?
Are you responsible for maintaining contact with CRUES on behalf of your student association?
If you answered yes to the previous question, do you agree that the elected CRUES team may use the telephone number you have provided here to facilitate contact with your association?
Clear selection
A group departure by public transport will take place from Montreal (Berri-UQAM) on Friday afternoon, March 15. Tickets will be provided. Carpooling will be organized for participants from other regions.

Do you need transport / Can you offer transport?

What is your departure point (city, neighborhood)?
Do you have any transportation-related accessibility needs (e.g. mobility issues, transportation sickness, etc.)?

If so, please specify.
We will contact you if necessary to accommodate your needs.
There are 14 rooms with beds on the premises of the training camp.
7 rooms with two (2) bunk beds = 4 places per room.
7 rooms with one (1) double bed = 2 places per room.
Will you be sleeping on the training camp site?
Among the following choices, please indicate which best corresponds to your comfort/intention for sharing rooms and beds (check all that apply).

There is another question below if you have any accommodation-related accessibility needs.

Are you able to bring items for lodging (e.g. sleeping bags, pillows, mattresses, etc.)?

Do you have any accessibility needs related to accommodation?

If so, please specify.
We will contact you if necessary to accommodate you.
Food will be provided to camp participants, and portions will be planned according to the number of people registered.

Do you have any special dietary requirements (allergies, vegetarianism/veganism, restrictions based on religious beliefs, etc.)?

If so, please specify.

Site accessibility
Please note that the training camp site, Colonie des grèves (10350 QC-132, Contrecoeur, QC J0L 1C0), is not universally accessible. It requires going up a few steps (about 4) and the corridors are too narrow for certain wheelchairs.
Do you have any special needs in terms of accessibility to the training camp?

If so, please specify.
We will contact you if necessary to accommodate your needs.

Do you need a babysitting service?


Do you need simultaneous translation?
If so, please specify the language.

Contact in case of emergency
First Name / Last Name
Phone number
Other information
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