Regional Decarbonization Pathways Workshop: Linking Universities and Governments alongside the US Conference of Mayors

UEIC and SDSN USA members, University of California San Diego (UCSD), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), and Howard University (HU) are collaborating to host a US Regional Decarbonization Pathways Workshop as a side event held alongside the US Conference of Mayors 92nd Annual Meeting. This workshop aims to bring together national academic experts and government leaders to share knowledge, chart paths to zero emissions, and translate climate commitments into reality. Following successful events and partnerships between governments and universities to advance notable decarbonization efforts in San Diego, California and Cleveland, Ohio, this workshop will provide a forum for sharing key lessons learned for the expansion of such critical partnerships across the country. This workshop will help build new connections between US university-based energy institutes and local governments, elevate and communicate proven solutions, and accelerate the transition to net zero by increasing support for and leading to policy changes in the decisive decade ahead.

We welcome academics with a range of expertise and backgrounds including energy related policy, technology, modeling and/or economics expertise. Applicants should have a proven track record of working in energy systems planning and development in either the power, buildings, transport, land-use, or industrial sectors at the state or city level.

Please complete this form by April 19, 2024 in order to express your interest in participating in this workshop. Preference will be given to applicants who have identified a government partner (e.g. a city or county sustainability planning official), and if accepted the invitation will include the government partner.

Please reach out to Julie Topf (Program Associate, SDSN) at, with any questions or comments.

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Email *
Full Name *
Position *
Institution *
In which US state is your institution located in? *
Choose your US region  *
Have you ever worked on decarbonization planning with your local City/County/State government office(s)?  *
Which factors(s) of decarbonization planning did your collaboration(s) with your local government office(s) focus on?
These factors were extracted from "Figure 1. An overview of the regional decarbonization framework creation process and the key elements and stakeholders involved" of SDSN's Guide to Regional Decarbonization.
Select all relevant analysis you have previously done with your local government?
These fields of expertise were extracted from "Appendix 1. Checklist for Creating a Regional Decarbonization Framework" of SDSN's Guide to Regional Decarbonization.
If applicable, which local government officer (e.g., City/County Climate/Sustainability Lead) has agreed to participate with you in this workshop? Please list their full name, position, and institution.
What is the biggest challenge your government counterpart faces in the pursuit of a decarbonization agenda, and how can you help address that challenge?  (~400 words)
Describe relevant experiences, learnings, or resources you can share with other workshop participants. (~400 words)
Would would a successful workshop look like to you? (~400 words) *
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