CDBA Board Application
Thank you for your interest in joining the CDBA Board. We will review your information and contact you for an interview. Please direct questions to . For more information about Board roles and responsibilities, please review .
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Preferred Pronouns
If None of the Above, please list preferred pronouns next to your name, if desired.
Address (Home or Mailing) *
Street Address, City, Zip
Primary Phone *
Alternate Phone
Email *
Applicant Team *
If not currently a member of a team, list the last team applicant paddled with.
Employer or School *
Position/Title or Year in School *
Please describe your involvement in dragon boating. *
Include years of involvement, which teams you have been affiliated with, positions you have held with those teams, and any accomplishments and/or other information about your dragon boat history. Max 4000 characters.
Why are you interested in serving as a CDBA Board member? What would like you to accomplish? *
Max 4000 characters.
What are your particular attributes, qualifications, skills, and/or abilities that would benefit CDBA and the dragon boat community? *
Please include any leadership experience in other non-profit or community based organizations. Max 4000 characters.
How many hours are you able to dedicate to Board duties? What would limit your ability to participate in Board activities? *
The CDBA Board is a working board, meaning that besides regular meetings (2-3 hours/month), Board members are expected to participate in other activities such as occasional boat maintenance and race management. Max 2000 characters.
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