ATLaS Participant Form
ATLaS strengthens adult first- and entry-year learners in their pursuit of an employable credential, decreasing second-year attrition, and increasing good academic standing. ATLaS envisions a higher education journey for Maine’s adults that reduces the barriers for students who experience complex demands on their time and leverages academic and financial partnerships to achieve 60% of Maine adults with an employable degree, certificate, or credential by 2025.

ATLaS Scholars are:
  • Adult learners age 25+
  • In a first- or entry-year at their institution (below 30 credits)
  • Enrolled in an employability credential (bachelor, associate, certificate, micro-credential)
  • Resident of Maine
  • Not already a graduate of a bachelors degree program from any higher education institution
ATLaS is 100% funded by an FY23 $945,000 Congressionally Directed Spending Grant through the U.S. Department of Education Secured by Maine Senators Collins and King at the request of the University of Maine System

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Email *
Are you age 25 or older? *
How many total credits do you have today? *
At which institution are you a student? *
Name *
Preferred Pronouns
Academic History *
UMS Student ID# (if you are not currently a UMS student, enter 0000000) *
State of Residence *
Current University Program (if you are not currently enrolled, select non-degree) *
Is there anything about your academic needs that is important for us to know in order to serve you well? (Optional)
Is there anything about your identity that is important for us to know in order to serve you well? (Optional)
Is there anything about the challenges you have experienced that is important for us to know in order to serve you well? (Optional)
Why is it important for you to be a university student at this time in your life? (Required)
Would you allow us to anonymously quote the above response in ATLaS outreach materials such as the website, brochures, communication to institutional and system leadership, or letters to our Congress people (Required)
Would you like to be considered for a grant stipend to support your transition into your second year of studies? (Required)
If you were offered free courses, which topics interest you most? *
Upon receipt of this form, ATLaS will create a file for you that includes important data about your academics. Submission of this form gives ATLaS permission to access your Mainestreet data including grades, course/program enrollment, and contact information. Do you consent to give ATLaS access to your student data?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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