Golden Flame 7 Week Erotic Art Immersion | VIP Registration

Hey beauty,

Thank you for your interest in the next round of The Golden Flame Erotic Art Immersion! In this exhilarating group experience, everyone coming forward is invited to share their intentions for desiring to join. The container we co-create is never the same experience twice, and is dependant on sharing of our full authentic selves, hearts and voices.

So it is in this spirit of authenticity, I invite you to share why you would love to be involved in this immersive, co-created, erotic art & sensuality journey, and how you would also love to be supported.

Applicants will be contacted with further details on registration confirmation details, deposits/payment info, and preparation guides. All information submitted is held in strict confidence.

As this container is created with the utmost intention to curate a safe, loving, and genuine space, acceptance is based on alignment of intentions, registration timing/dates, and securing space with a payment or deposit.  

See page details for full experience description:

Email: for support or questions

With love, Phoenix Amara
Founder of Temple Arts
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Preferred Name (first + last) *
Preferred Pronouns (he/she/him/her/they/etc) *
Email *
Preferred Phone number *
What's your website or FB url (so I can presence your energy)? *
Please share some of your intentions in wanting to join this experience? *
Do you have any experiences of sexual trauma, abuse, or sexual pain, health concerns that should be known or would potentially impact your ability to drop into this immersion? (please note everything shared here is strictly confidential and only for me to know of - should we connect in an interview? Any information will not be shared/discussed with anyone else). *
Sexual Orientation/Relationship Status/Gender Orientations/ Acknowledgements (please check all that apply). This is optional.
What are some of the things you're most looking to learn/experience in this container? *
I understand that in order to confirm registration, I will need to either pay tuition or reserve with a deposit within one week of acceptance (in order to hold my spot if confirmed). *
Is there anything else you want to add or share with your application? More questions? *
Thank you for applying! I'll respond soon with more details on registration confirmation, payment options and preparations.
Sincerely, Phoenix Amara | Founder of Temple Arts
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