Govanhill Polyglot Sessions
A sign up form for those who want to join our language sessions. We have something for every level: structured lessons suitable for beginners and more casual conversations for those who've been learning for a while. Join in with folk from Govanhill and beyond where you can practise your speaking and listening skills with native speakers! Welcome!
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Which language sessions do you want to join?
I'm a true beginner
I know the basics
Intermediate level & above (incl. native)
Arabic (two groups: beginners and intermediate)
BSL (taster class)
Irish (taster class)
Romanes (Roma) - Romanian dialect (taster class)
Romanes (Roma) - Slovak dialect (taster class)
Spanish (all levels)
Punjabi (taster class)
Urdu (taster class)
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We hope to hold the sessions in person at a location in Govanhill, but depending on government regulations, we may move them to Zoom. Please let us know how you can attend them.
What is your first language? *
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