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Ladies Team Division Registration
To register a team for Ladies team 8-Ball division out of LA North OC league.
Teams may choose any 3 of the 5 team members to participate in each match.
The total of the skill levels of the 3 players fielded in any team match cannot exceed 13.
Winner of division earns a spot in the APA Ladies 8-Ball Championship in Las Vegas in May 2025.
To qualify for Ladies 8-Ball Championship in Las Vegas, we have to schedule 20 weeks of play. Our 2024 league year will be adjusted to meet this requirement.
Schedule of play:
One or two Saturdays a month - Refer to schedule. Both teams may agree to pre-play and reschedule their matches. Note: Notify league operator of schedule change.
Play 2 team matches per scheduled date
Season starting
June 22, 2024,
with Playoffs scheduled
February 17, 2025
Match start time
12:30 pm
Weekly dues $30 per team match - two matches per date so total is $60
Next season starting
April 19, 2025,
with once-a-month play (3rd Saturday of the month), and
playoffs scheduled
February 21, 2026.
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Team Name
Names that allude to drugs, alcohol, profanity, or have a sexual connotation are prohibited and will be changed at our discretion. All team names must be spelled out – no acronyms!
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Travel division. Enter name of Host Location. Host Location can be in any location with at least ONE (1) pool table within the LA North OC APA league. Each Ladies Team Match may take 2.5 Hours or more. Please keep this mind when host location is selected since there are 2 team matches per scheduled date.
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